The use of vermiculite tile?

Release time: 2023-05-11

Vermiculite is a natural, non-toxic mineral that expands at high temperatures. Is a relatively rare mineral, belonging to the silicate class. Its crystal structure is monoclinic and looks like mica. Here we will introduce the use of vermiculite tile in detail. If you are interested, you can continue to look down and hope it will be helpful to you.

vermiculite tileinVermiculite is layered structure, there is an air gap between the expansion of vermiculite layer, play the role of thermal insulation. Its thermal conductivity is in0.04-0.12W/M·Kbetween), with good thermal insulation performance. Melting point up1400℃, density up0.9g/cm3It has important application value in light materials and refractory and heat insulation materials. Vermiculite tile can be used as a separate insulation layer, but also with water glass, cement and other composite use. The medium is mixed and pressed to form a thermal insulation material, which is sometimes used as a filler for the thermal insulation layer. Construction: lightweight concrete (lightweight wall powder, lightweight mortar), wall heat-resistant materials, fire-resistant panels, fire-resistant mortar, refractory bricks.

vermiculite tilehasInsulationThe effect, so canSound-absorbing materials, underground pipes, greenhouse pipes, insulation materials, interior decoration and corridors, walls and ceilings in public places. Metallurgy: steel frame cladding materials, forging, steel frame high-rise cladding materials with concrete slag, vermiculite appropriate amount.

vermiculite tileForagriculture and forestry,Horticulture, golf course turf, seed preservatives, soil conditioners, wetting agents, plant growth agents, feed additives. Marine fishing: fishing for erbium. vermiculite tileofOther ingredients: adsorbents, filter aids, active carriers for chemicals and fertilizers, sewage treatment, absorption of marine oil, filters, explosive density regulators.

20Objectiveofvermiculite tilecan be usedHousehold insulation equipment, household refrigerators, car silencers, soundproof plaster, safes and basement pipes, boiler insulation clothing, blacksmith leftovers, firebrick insulation cement.20-40ObjectiveofVermiculite tile automobile insulators, aircraft insulators, refrigerator insulators, bus insulators, wall water cooling towers, steel annealing, fire extinguishers, filters, refrigerators.40-120Linoleum, roof panels, cornices, electric doors.120-270ofVermiculite tile stickers wallpaper printing, outdoor advertising, paint, special adhesive paint, photo cork board with fire-resistant cardboard.-270Gold and bronze ink for exterior refills of paint.

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Keywords: Vermiculite tile